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The Space I Can't Get In V.2


The loneliness

The solitude

The unstable living situation

The inebrated

The home


How should I situate myself?

What do I have?


Something I can touch every day

Something I can easily have

Something I can hold

Something cheap













Date: 2017

Size: 63.5 x 51.25 x 8.25 inches

Medium: wood, fluorescent tube, plastic board.

The Space I Can't Get In V.2 (Document)

Medium: Installation/ Sound Performance (bottles, microphones, amps, mixer, (lightbox- ...Party...) 

Size: Variable


The Space I Can't Get In V.2 

Medium: Installation/ Sound Performance (bottles, microphones, amps, mixer,(lightbox- ...Party...)

Date: 2017


Size: Variable

Location: Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago 

Sleep Well

Medium: wood, fluorescent tube, plastic/mirror board


Size: 48x10x10 inches

The Space I Can't Get In V.2.5

Medium: Installation/ Sound Performance (bottles, microphones, amps, mixer, Lightbox- Sleep Well ) 

Duration:20 mins 

Date: Mar.16th,2018

Size: Variable

Location: Goldfinch Gallery, Chicago IL

The Space I Can't Get In V.2.6 

Medium: Installation/ Sound Performance (bottles, microphones, amps, mixer)

Whole performance Duration: 26 mins 

Video Duration: 10mins

Date: May 11th, 2018
Location: Nail In A Packet, Chicago   

The Space I Can't Get In V.2 is a sound/ installation performance since 2017. I use leftover alcohol bottles as surrogate bodies containing echoes of the loneliness and strangeness of being a foreigner in the USA. I put mic into bottles capturing resonance, feedback and spatial sound, amplifying in this way their emptiness.


The bottles as body and the body as the container- These parallels the relationship between the feeling of an empty body as vessel and bodies in empty spaces. As a quiet experience, the performance activates the space as a sequence of mumbles; sounds that evoke breath and make absence present. A dialog and a move become familiar, a humming voice that talks back to me and fills the landscape of objects as ruins. A screen of light, as a doorway, delimits the space and breaks it as a mirror that expands into the interior of the piece and of ourselves. This light sets a mood of drone, of closeness and of vibration.


Abandon bottles is useless but  refoction 

 I insert and pull out the microphones from my collection of empty bottles and amplify the sound in them, their vibration. The way and the speed I put the microphones in changes the sound it emits. The contact of my body to the objects naturally develops into a composition, a score. The audience can feel the space by experiencing the different aural qualities of sounds, movement and light. The sounds from the bottles present the meaningless mumblings, messages and languages of this set of objects. The experience strives to offer viewers an affective encounter through the body with the objects.


The Space I Can’t Get In V.2 是一件從2017年持續至今的聲音裝置表演創作。 藝術家將自己製作的麥克風放入空酒瓶內,以產生內外空間的迴響,並以音響放出使觀者身體直接感受到聲音的震動。如同藝術家與日常物件的相處經驗,作品的聲音會依循場地、藝術家的動作、情緒、瓶子和作曲而轉換。


瓶罐本是容器,人們一般只賦予他們盛載的功能。但通過把麥克風放進瓶罐的行為,激發出新的聽覺體驗,而它們通過自身形體,材質的不同,發出不同的,刺耳抑或是嗡鳴的聲音。聲音時而為一種持續的延遲單音震動在耳,有時為多個聲音齊鳴。 這個感官的體驗與藝術家在一開始試圖化解獨飲行為又產生情感的共鳴。


這些瓶罐本來已經無用,但帶著藝術家的個人生活體驗和私人情感。身體也是一種容器,承載著記憶和感情。通過創造這個聲音表演作品, 藝術家遊走在一個個瓶罐中,讓之發出內心壓抑的呼喊,以聲音打開私領域的情感傳遞並喚起觀眾對被忽視的物品及聲音的關注,與他們分享和交流這些親密的故事和困境感。


Title:Meeting- Thousands of Dots

Medium: Acrylic, oil, water ,air, steel

Date: 2015
Dimensions: 70x30x16 inches

Meeting-Blue Sky.jpg

Title: Meeting- Blue

Date: 2015

Medium: Acrylic board, oil, water, air, wood

Dimensions: 8x12 inches


I see you

you see me 

I saw you 

We stare


My eyes travel with bubbles from bottom to top

Then we meet

The bubbles' sound is so clear

I spin it

My time collapsed 

It blurred present and memory


I am meeting you ​

You are in my memory​


















The series of Meeting are interactive installation artworks, which expresses my perceptive of time. Present creates memories. The events, things, and people that I spend with value times. The moment between people. The time between object and people. The feeling breaks the measurement of the clock.

Meeting 系列是一件互動裝置作品,表達了我對時間的感知。 當下創造了回憶。 我與,事物和人那些我珍惜的時間。 人與人之間的時刻。 物件和人之間的時間 。情感陪伴‘打破了時鐘的物理測量。

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